Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Ten Things Meme

Ten Things I've Done that You Probably Haven't Done:
  1. Ran a car completely out of oil.
  2. Seen a dozen quetzals in ten minutes.
  3. Spent two days with a six year old and a six month old in a foreign hospital where I didn't speak the language.
  4. Made a mathematical error that brought an entire cannery to a halt in the middle of a shift.
  5. Had a Swiss bank account.
  6. Broke my foot while nine months pregnant. (The day before my due date, in fact.)
  7. Flew cross-country with eleven-month-old twins and a five year old (and no other adult).
  8. Designed a steelhead fishing fly.
  9. Had my portrait displayed as part of an art exhibit.
  10. Got locked on the second floor of a college dorm and had to call out the window to a total stranger to be let out.


Anonymous said...

Flew cross-country with eleven-month-old twins and a five year old (and no other adult).

Which one of you was flying the plane? :)

Minda said...

The five year old, of course. Do you think I'd let a baby fly the plane?

Anonymous said...

That is quite a list. It makes me want to come up with my own.

Well I remember all but 9 and 10, so I guess that isn't too bad. I think I kind of vaguely remember something about number 10, but the details aren't very clear.

OR Mom

Minda said...

Mom,#9 was when Son Do's uncle (whose name I can't remember--and whose nephew's name I don't think I spelled right) had an exhibit at the Salem library and borrowed the charcoal drawing he did of me that one night. I think K and S's portraits were on display too.

#10 was freshman year in high school, during a debate tournament at OSU.

Jessica said...

So, so fun to read. I think the cannery one needs an explanation, because it sounds like a fun story.

BTW, I am stealing this meme.

Anonymous said...

It was Tien Phan who did the artwork. I also want to hear about the cannery experience, though. And I actually have run a car completely out of oil, too. You'll have to come up with another one, I guess!

Minda said...

Let's see, a substitute item for running the car out of oil . . . I know! I had a titanium dental drill bit break off in my mouth during a root canal and become embedded in my gum. It's still there.

Anonymous said...

OK, I can't say I have titanium in my mouth. You win. Still waiting on the cannery story, though!