Saturday, August 18, 2007


Michael's parents arrived last night from Utah and brought with them an entire suitcase of produce fresh from their garden. We have green beans, nectarines, green peppers and . . . one whole box of ripe, delicious tomatoes! This is allowing me to indulge in fresh tomatoes, sliced and lightly salted. Or tiny tomatoes just popped straight in the mouth. I am in heaven.

Store-bought tomatoes taste like styrofoam balls compared to tomatoes straight from the farm or garden. And we don't get enough tomatoes from the CSA for me to selfishly eat an entire tomato myself. They must be doled out in salads they whole family can enjoy. But right now we have so many I can be greedy.

I think I'm going to sneak off to the store today to pick up good mozzarella and basil so we can have tomato, basil, and mozzarella salad and panini. Yummy.

1 comment:

PixelFish said...

You know what also tastes really good in a caprese salad? Green grapes drizzled with olive oil.